digital product refining

4-colored print
Neben fotorealistischen Darstellungen sind auch einfachere Aufdrucke möglich.
Das am häufigsten verwendete Einsatzgebiet findet sich im Logodruck wieder. Hier werden meist, von Kunden gestellte Produkte wie Verschlüsse, Verpackungen, Flaschen oder auch Holzboxen mit dem Logo oder Emblem des jeweiligen Kunden veredelt.
Durch die Eigenschaft des Digitaldrucks, alle Farben aus vier verschiedenen Grundfarben (CMYK) zu mischen, gibt es keine Beschränkung bei der Farbenvielfalt des Aufdrucks. Es macht keinen Unterschied, ob eine Farbe oder drei unterschiedliche Farben benötigt werden - der entstehende Arbeitsaufwand ist immer der Gleiche.
Um satte Farben auch auf dunklen Untergründen zu erzielen, besteht die Möglichkeit weiß als Unterdruck zu verwenden.

logos, emblems and grafics
In addition to photorealistic representations, simpler imprints are also possible.
The most frequently used field of application is logo printing. Here, products provided by customers such as closures, packaging, bottles or wooden boxes are usually refined with the logo or emblem of the respective customer.
Due to the characteristic of digital printing to mix all colours from four different basic colours (CMYK), there is no limit to the colour variety of the imprint. It makes no difference whether one colour or three different colours are required - the amount of work involved is always the same.
In order to achieve rich colours even on dark backgrounds, it is possible to use white as a negative print.

partial varnishing
A special highlight in product finishing is the partial varnishing.The subsequent application of a high-gloss varnish highlights the otherwise matt imprints with a glossy finish.For example, individual writing elements can be highlighted, parts of photos can be highlighted or complete surfaces can be varnished.The inline processing of white underprint, 4-colour overprint and finally partial varnishing allows all work steps to be carried out with maximum precision.In order to achieve a protective effect against mechanical stress, it is also possible to apply a matt varnish.

raised print
High-quality products require equally high-quality finishing.
Through the relief printing we offer, a raised print can be produced which stands out from the surface of the printed material in a tangible and visible way.
A special advantage of this printing process is the saving of costs in the production of injection moulds, blow moulds or glass moulds. In order to obtain raised imprints, it is no longer necessary to produce special tools. Thus already existing neutral moulds can be used.
The raised finishing elements create a haptically appealing and noble print image.
Of course also photos or Logo´s in multicolored execution can be refined by a relief.
Another application is the printing of braille.

3D print
In order to further enhance the already extraordinary relief printing, it is possible to produce it in a three-dimensional design.
The resulting reliefs resemble the real object in form and colour.
Here e.g. faces, maps or also buildings and objects can be represented figuratively.
We can not only offer you small quantities of this finishing technique. Due to our diverse machine park we are able to produce large series as well.

A special discipline of digital printing is to simulate different surfaces. So we can create real wood surfaces or imitate stone optics or snake skin. The possibilities are almost limitless.
Whether with a structure or just a simple, flat print. An exceptional look is certain.

In order to achieve special effects it is of course also possible to combine digital printing with other finishing techniques. For example, we can print on uneven surfaces (such as a glitter print). It is also possible to achieve further exciting effects with hot foil stamping.